2015. szeptember 2., szerda

Türkiz színek

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Hi, I'm Marta and I'm also craft: I do high-end jewelry (often with semiprecious stones and sterling silver always with stones) using the Japanese technique of Miyuki.

    I found your blog by chance and I've taken a little walk ... And I'm still amazed at the great beauty of the little things that come out of your hands artist. So I decided to become a follower of yours from now.

    Now, my greatest desire is that you accepted the invitation that I give you in hand for you to come to visit my little craft corner (http://www.elmundodelmiyuki.blogspot.com) and let me show you my work, which is also nice. And if you like, that you became a follower of mine, you do not know what it is costing me find followers to a blog on the topic of mine ...

    I look forward to your visit, hoping saved in my heart, and now I say goodbye with a kiss and a flower ...
